Saturday 21 January 2012

Worshipping God as one family

We all know how vitally important it is to pray for the unity of all Christians all over the world. Christ established one Church, one Body here on earth and is truly sad, heart breaking even, to think of this Body as being fractured, divided and separated. In the Roman Catholic Church we are especially blessed to know such an intimate closeness to Christ, a profound spiritual and physical communion that even our minds cannot even dream of fully comprehending. It is only natural, only right and proper, that we should hope and pray that one day (hopefully one day in the not too distant future) all Christians might be reconciled to one another, brought together and united into a fullness of faith. Tomorrow at 6:30pm Horsham Churches Together conclude their annual week of fervent prayer for Christian Unity. This year is all the more exciting as we are leading the service at St. Mary's C of E Church in the Causeway. Please come along and join us if you can. You won't regret it!

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